H3C officially announced its participation in the United Nations Global Compact, and pledged its commitment to supporting the initiative's ten principles encompassing human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.
Joining UNGC is of great significance to H3C as it is not only a recognition of the company's continuous commitment to social responsibilities over the years, but also a milestone in its efforts to further expand internationally. H3C's steadfast dedication to fulfilling its social responsibilities as a tech company continues, actively contributing towards the attainment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The UNGC was launched as a special initiative in 2000 by Kofi Annan, the 7th Secretary-General of the UN. The UNGC is also the world's largest international organization aimed at advancing corporate sustainability, with over 20,000 corporate members and other stakeholders from nearly 170 countries worldwide. The organization has been committed to encouraging member companies and stakeholders worldwide to integrate the ten principles of UNGC involving human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption into their strategies and operations, in addition to helping businesses contribute to the achievement of the SDGs by accelerating capacity building, creating communication platforms, and facilitating innovative collaborations and partnerships.
"Joining the UNGC is an important step in H3C's efforts to actively respond to the SDGs. We are proud to participate in the influential global corporate sustainability initiative along with other companies from around 170 countries," said Tony Yu, President & CEO of H3C. "As a leader in digital solutions, we firmly believe that only socially responsible businesses can achieve sustainable, long-term growth. H3C's ongoing commitment to corporate social responsibilities reflects the responsibilities not only to our shareholders but also to our customers, partners and employees."